Parent Information

Parent Information / Prospectus

The information below aims to provide an insight about Pulford – who’s who in the staff team, how we work day to day, what we do and why we do it.  We hope this gives you a taster of our school. If you would like to know more, please just call Mrs Nicholls, our Office Manager.  In all we do, we strive to work within our mission and ethos statements.

1. Mission Statement
2. Ethos Statement
3. Vision Statement
4. Our Aims
5. Equal Opportunities
6. Church and School
7. Buildings and Site
8. Organisation
9. Pulford in the Community
10. Safeguarding
11. Pre-School
12. Curriculum
13. Home Learning
14. Extra-Curricular Activities
15. Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEND)
16. School Council
17. Pastoral Care
18. Health and Medication
19. Communications with Parents
20. Parent Teacher Association
21. The School Day (including start, registration, lunch and finish times)
22. School Meals
23. Little Saints Club (Wrap around care)
24. Absence/Lateness
25. School Rules
26. Admissions Arrangements
28. Staff Team
29. School Uniform
30. Term Dates/Events
31. Contacting Us

1. Mission Statement
‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’ Luke 18 v 16.

2. Ethos Statement
‘Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.

The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.’

3. Vision Statement
‘Growing God’s family, through faith, hope and love, dedicated to realising the potential of each person’. Our Christian faith and values form the basis of everything we do. As a Church of England school, our vision focuses on our three values of faith, hope and love; within these we explore community, respect and wisdom. Our values are at the heart of all that we aim to achieve.

4. Our Aims
As a first school, we recognise the crucial role we play at the start of your child’s education. We aim to:

• help every child reach their full potential in all aspects of development without losing sight of their individuality

• help children learn and develop skills through experience, creative activities, experiment and discovery

• provide an atmosphere of trust, understanding and affection, in which children can enjoy a sense of security and develop self-discipline

• develop children’s ability to live and work together, and to value their own and others’ unique contributions to the school community

• work in partnership with parents to encourage children to develop positive attitudes and values.

5. Equal opportunities
We are committed to pursuing equal opportunities in all aspects of school life. Discrimination of any sort is not expected or tolerated in the school. The school is aware of the ‘Access to work’ scheme and of Central Bedfordshire LA disability equality scheme. Pulford School is an equal opportunities employer. Due to the nature of our site on four levels, the Leadership Team and Governors are aware of the difficulty that these may cause people with certain disabilities and have a disability accessibility plan to address these. Recent developments include: a new hall porch with sloping floor; a disabled toilet and changing room; a ramp from the main gates to the playground as well as an adjoining ramp from the external classroom doors to the playground.

6. Church and School
“The school values of faith, hope and love permeate the school and underpin everything it does.  Pupils see the school as a family that they are all a part of.” (Ofsted November 2023.)

Pulford’s aims are grounded in the Christian faith, which underpins every aspect of the education that we offer to our pupils. The Church is also involved in the life of the school in very practical ways. The Diocese of St Albans helps to fund essential maintenance and building projects. The team rector of All Saints is a school governor, and two more governors are appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education. Members of the All Saints clergy team and other local Christian ministers contribute to worship, and twice each term the whole school worships at All Saints Church. Families are warmly invited to join us.

7. Buildings and Site
The children are taught in bright, airy classrooms which are situated in a traditional stone-built school house, as well as in a new class room block. We are continually improving and modernising our buildings to accommodate pupils’ changing needs. Over the last decade substantial improvements have been made to provide a truly 21st Century learning environment.

Outside we have a large playing field with adventure play equipment, a large all weather play surface and a generous area of hard-surface playground. Children can also enjoy sitting in the quiet area and relaxing on the benches. The fenced pond and a ‘wild area’ provide a variety of habitats for local wildlife, with plenty of interest for nature lovers.

At the south end of the field we have our Forest School. This is where we use our beautiful outdoor environment to bring learning to life. Our children attend Forest School all year round. We use two rotundas as a base as well as the beautiful surroundings. We also have a purpose built ‘pod’ classroom which is mainly used by our pre-school children. This classroom enables the children to have a different dimension to learning.

8. Organisation
Pulford is run by its staff and governing board, who work with parents and pupils to make the school a nurturing, stimulating place to learn. The school governing board includes representatives from the church, school staff, local authority, town council and parents. “Governors know the school well due to their active involvement. This ensures that the school continues to move forward towards achieving its vision.” (Ofsted 2023)
“The impact of the vision is carefully monitored by all school leaders. Governors visit regularly to review how it is experienced in the day to day life of the school. This enables them to accurately evaluate its effectiveness. In turn, these evaluations inform their future planning.” (SIAMS 2023)

9. Pulford in the Community
“There is a palpable sense of service, to the children and the wider community, in all the school’s work.” (SIAMS November 2023)

School leaders’ strong and clearly articulated vision of ‘Growing God’s family’ has resulted in high quality outreach opportunities, enabling local community schools to benefit through the Gold Quality RE project.

We take every opportunity to play an active part in the wider community and have links with schools both in this country and across the world. The school council play an active role in the community.

Our children sing at local events and functions; we join All Saints Church for their Sunday worship at celebrations throughout the year. The children also feature at events such as the town May Day Fayre where we showcase the traditional Maypole dancing.  We also host the Community Lower Schools Carol Concert which includes over 400 pupils from Lower Schools across the town and local area.  Cedars Upper School Orchestra also join in with this special, annual event. We regularly provide entertainment and tea parties for our local retired community.

10. Safeguarding
At Pulford the health, safety and well being of every child are paramount. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that Pulford is a happy, enjoyable and safe place to be.

We want to work together with parents in order to help their child achieve their full potential and make positive contribution to the school and the wider community.

There may be occasions for school to consult with other agencies if we have a concern regarding a child but it would follow our procedures for carrying out our duty of care.

Our school is part of Operation Encompass.  Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse and which is in place in every police force in England and Wales.  Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended Domestic Abuse incidents which involve any of our children PRIOR to the start of the next school day.  More details regarding this can be found in our safeguarding policy which can be found on this website under the School Information/Provisions and Policies tab.

Pulford carry out DBS checks, as per current guidelines.

Mr Heather is our designated lead for safeguarding.

11. Pre-school Unit
This flourishing unit was established in 2011. The unit comprises of two open plan classrooms which have an interconnecting outside area with the reception classes. We also have a wooded, fully equipped ‘pod’ (outdoor classroom) which is situated in our Forest School area. The outdoor setting lends itself to a different learning environment. Our Pre-school provision is amply staffed and over-subscribed. The Pre-school admits children from the term in which they become 3 years old. New intakes are welcomed each term. For admissions criteria please check our admissions policy on the school website.

The uniform is similar to the main school. Parents may choose morning, afternoon or all day sessions.

The Pre-school children are outside the current legislation for universal free school meals, however we are able to provide a school lunch if parents wish. Please see details for sessions and lunches in our Pre-school tab on the main homepage.  Click here to download our Pre-school Application form.

The lead teacher for the Pre-school is Mrs Stacey Major and she is also currently EYFS Key Stage Lead.

12. Curriculum
Pulford’s curriculum aims to provide pupils with a broad and balanced education, in line with the National Curriculum (2014). It is agreed with the school Governors, who regularly and closely monitor our standards. Please click this link to see our Curriculum Intent – what we teach, how we teach it, why we teach it:

13. Home Learning
Home Learning (otherwise known as homework!) is an essential part of children’s learning. It is done at home with parents and carers, and may include: collecting artefacts to support curriculum work, reading, learning spellings and tables, maths tasks, research (perhaps using the local library or a supervised/filtered internet facility where available), or other activities initiated by the children. The Learning Platform is an important tool in home learning. It is a safe environment in which children can learn on-line. Each class has different materials tailored to their learning. The children are encouraged to be responsible users of the internet and follow e-safety guidance. Class teachers provide guidance on how to access the class site and keep it regularly updated with information and pictures.

14. Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-Curricular activities vary based upon demand. Activities currently available to pupils are

• Choir Club (KS2)
• French and Spanish (La Jolie Ronde)
• Eco club
• Maypole(KS2)
• Chess club
• Recorder club
• Drama club (Year 4)
• Pulford Paper (Year 4) and/or Book Reading club (all year groups)
• Art club

There are small charges for a few of these clubs.  If you wish to know about current availability and rates, please ask in the school office.  

Visitors to the school include Bedfordshire Youth Opera and Theatre Groups, other theatre groups, poets, authors, storytellers, faith representatives, multicultural dance groups, members of the retired community, parents with specialist skills and knowledge and professional musicians.

15. Pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
“The school is ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities
(SEND).”  (Ofsted November 2023)
Sound provision is made for all children with special educational needs or disabilities according to our Learning Support Policy. This is updated regularly and the school has taken into account the 2014 legislation and subsequent LA changes in guidance. Click on this link to see our published SEND overview . There is a governor appointed for SEND who meets termly with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Mrs T Rees. The school’s excellent understanding of individuals’ personal needs ensures that everyone is fully included in school life. Great care is taken to make sure that any pupils whose circumstances make them vulnerable get a high level of personal support, tailored to their specific needs, making very good use of a range of external agencies when needed.

We aim to identify children with special needs as early as possible, through teacher observation and assessment.

Children with Statements (Statement of Special Educational Need) or an EHC plan (Education and Health Care plan) have their own additional budget, which is used for extra adult support within the school and for special equipment geared to an individual child’s particular needs. Colleagues from external support agencies provided within the Local Authority, including our Educational Psychologist, make visits for consultation when appropriate.

Children who do not have a Statement/EHC plan, but who require additional support, are monitored closely. Extra help is given by the class teacher and teaching assistant with advice from the school’s SENDCo.

The progress of all children with special educational needs is reviewed termly with their parents and tracked using the school’s internal system.

Children who demonstrate exceptional ability or talents are encouraged and nurtured.  Most needs are catered for within Quality First Teaching. These children are monitored using the school’s tracking systems.

16. School Council
We have an enthusiastic, flourishing School Council which has an effective input to the life of Pulford. The members are elected by their peers and we have representatives from KS1 and KS2.

The School Council meet regularly with the headteacher. They take ideas from the other children in their class and come up with exciting fundraising activities and projects.

All children are encouraged to give their opinions about the life of the school through discussion and questionnaires.

17. Pastoral Care
We believe our pastoral care to be one of our key strengths. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent. They consider moral issues thoughtfully, and are very respectful of other’s opinions and beliefs. They form very positive relationships with other pupils and with staff, and are extremely caring about each other. They have exceptionally good collaborative skills. The School prioritises the welfare needs of all its pupils, in partnership with parents.

Parents and the families of Pulford children form a close relationship with the School and play an active part in its life – often through the work of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). In turn, we aim to complement the care given to children at home in our role as teachers ‘in loco parentis’. We regularly talk about ‘the Pulford Family’ and share a pride in this recognition of our work.

Parents are encouraged to speak informally to the teaching staff at the end of the school day about any concerns. They may also want to make an appointment with the deputy head teacher or at a later stage, and if appropriate, the head teacher. Parents are signposted to various help groups, such as SENDIASS, as appropriate. Please do make the school aware of anything that is likely to affect your child’s progress or welfare.

18. Health and Medication
If your child becomes unwell at school, we will contact you immediately. You will be given a courtesy call regarding bumps to the head as a matter of policy. Medicines are administered according to our Medicines Policy. A qualified First Aider is on site at all times.

19. Communications with Parents
All letters/communications from school come via our email system (Integris). Parents must give their email address on joining the school in order for us to pass on all school information regarding dates and events. It is the parents’ responsibility to keep themselves abreast of updated information received on email and the website.

Parent and pupil involvement is of the utmost importance to us at Pulford, we view excellent communication as a must. There are excellent systems that ensure parents and carers are involved in the life of the school and in their children’s learning. They are consulted regularly about aspects of school life and their views have a strong impact on decision making.

Formally, there is a parents’ evening each term for you to consult with your child’s teacher, sometimes this will be on a more informal basis when parents and their children look at work together. Parents receive two short snapshot reports (at the beginning and middle of the school year). A full written report on progress is made annually, in the summer term.

More informally, we welcome discussion about your child whenever you feel the need. The class teacher, Key Stage Leader, Deputy Head and Head teacher are also available informally or by appointment.

Parent and community volunteers are warmly welcomed and assist in many different ways.  For example changing reading books, helping in class, at Forest school or on trips. Volunteers are subject to appropriate safeguarding checks.

20. The Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA)
The PTA makes a huge contribution to Pulford. It helps us to purchase items for the children’s education which we otherwise could not afford. The PTA operates independently from the day-to-day running of the school, but in close consultation with staff.

Although parents automatically join the PTA when their children start at Pulford, just how you get involved is entirely up to you. The PTA has a core committee of parents and teachers but many more enjoy helping out in other ways. The possibilities are endless – running stalls at events, selling raffle tickets, coming up with fundraising ideas, seeking sponsorship from employers, donating goods and offering financial help.

The main thing to stress about FUNdraising is that the emphasis is on FUN!  Annual events include Christmas Extravaganza and our Summer Fun Day, raffles, quiz nights, Pulford merchandise, second-hand uniforms, children’s discos and much more.  We hope you’ll feel inspired to join the PTA in any way that you can, sharing in the fun and rewards of being part of the Pulford Family.

21. The School Day
Children and parents assemble either at the school gates (P/S, KS1 & KS2) or on the school playground (YR) ready to be greeted by their class teachers. Children are to arrive promptly at:  Pre-school and KS1 – 8.45am, YR and KS2  – 8.50am.  Registration at 8.55am starts the school day which runs through to 3.25/3.30pm with morning and lunch breaks.

Early Years 11.50am – 1.20pm
Key Stage 1 12.00 – 1.15pm
Key Stage 2 12.15 – 1.30pm

The total amount of time spent on teaching during a normal week is:
Foundation Stage 22.50 hours
KS1 23.75 hours
KS2 23.75 hours

Total hours of provision offered overall in a typical week is 33 hours.

22. School Meals
We are fortunate to have our own kitchen and all our meals are cooked on site. We have a three week rolling menu (see details on our home page) which is changed every six months (April/October). Each day a main hot meal is prepared with dietary variations as required. Parents order in advance, so they know what their child is eating. Fresh fruit and vegetables are served every day. We aim to use as many local suppliers as we can.

Children can eat a cooked lunch prepared in our own school kitchen or they can bring in their own packed lunch. We encourage parents to make these well balanced. No nuts or fizzy drinks please.

Children in Foundation Stage (YR) and Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2) are entitled to a Universal School meal (free to parents / supported by the government scheme).

Free school meals are also available to children (YR – Y4) whose parents are receiving certain benefits. Please ask for details in the school office or call Central Bedfordshire Council helpline: 0300 300 8306.

Free milk is available for the under fives. This will be offered at breaktime.

23. Little Saints: Before and After School Club
‘Little Saints’ is our before and after school provision. It is part of the Pulford Family and is run with the same Christian ethos and values as found throughout Pulford. It runs from 7.30am until 8.50am and after school from 3.30pm – 5.30pm. Children enjoy a variety of free flow activities that fit in with the National Curriculum but with the emphasis on having fun.

The cost of the club is £4.25 for every hour or part of the hour. Breakfast can be purchased as an optional extra.

Sessions can be booked by calling the Admin Team in the front office on 372188 or via email

24. Absence from School and Lateness
Occasionally children become unwell and so cannot attend school. Parents must call the school office on 01525 372188 before 9.30am to inform us if your child is ill.

We encourage punctuality to minimise disruption and maximise learning.

We cannot authorise holidays during term time unless there is an exceptional reason (eg parent in The Armed Forces/return from duty). The head teacher has discretionary powers to authorise a holiday only in such exceptional circumstances.

Parents must report to the school office if they need to collect children during the school day for medical or other appointments. Children must be signed in and out.

25. School ‘Rules’
The rules of the school are simple. They require each child to show care, courtesy and consideration at all times, and to strive to ensure the well-being of others; both in school and in the wider community. A simple Code of Behaviour, as outlined in our Discipline and Behaviour Policy, between pupils, parents and the school is generally enough to ensure appropriate behaviour throughout the school. In exceptional circumstance sanctions are applied as laid out in the Discipline and Behaviour Policy.  Click here for our Policies and Provisions

26. Admission Arrangements
Prospective parents are warmly invited to visit and see the school in action. Staff will offer you a guided tour of the school so that you can experience first-hand what we have to offer and to absorb the atmosphere in which our children learn.

The school has no catchment area. Admission is by application and children attend from all areas of the town and its local villages.

The main school can accommodate a maximum of 45 pupils in each of its year groups. We have 8 classes in the main school; 2 x Foundation Stage, 3 x KS1 Stage, 3 x KS2 Stage.

For further details please see our most recent admissions policy which is located in the Quick Access box at the bottom of our home page.

27. What OfSTED and SIAMS say about us…
The school was last inspected by Ofsted on 7th and 8th November 2023.  Because we are a church school we were also inspected by a Diocesan inspector. Our most recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection was on the 9th November 2023. The full Ofsted report is available on the Ofsted website at If you would like a copy of this document in a different format, such as large print or Braille, please telephone 0300 1234 234, or email

Both reports are available to view from our homepage, by e-mail or in hard copy from the school.

Some highlights from the 2023 Ofsted report are:

“The school values of faith, hope and love permeate the school and underpin everything it does.  Pupils see the school as a family that they are all a part of.”

“Pupils work hard to meet the staff’s high expectations for them to achieve well.”

“Pupils regularly learn outdoors.  This helps to develop their resilience, imagination and understanding of nature.”

“Pupils can also take on roles such as faith (worship) leaders and school councillors, which helps them to develop their confidence and bring about changes within the school.”

“Pupils study a curriculum that gives them a broad foundation of knowledge.”

“Staff have strong subject knowledge.  The discussions and questioning that teachers choose ensure that they challenge pupils to think around the subject.”

” Staff are well trained to be able to identify pupils’ needs as soon as possible.”

” Staff know pupils’ needs well.”

“Pupils learn that everyone is different.  This helps them to be accepting and respectful to others.”

“There is a thorough and detailed curriculum to help pupils develop an understanding of the world around them.”

“The school helps pupils develop independence.”

“Everyone appreciates the ‘family feel’ that the school has including the governors.  Governors know the school well due to their active involvement.  This ensures that the school continues to move forward towards achieving its vision.”

Some highlights from the 2023 The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report (SIAMS) are:

“The school’s well established Christian vision is the golden thread which permeates all the school’s work.”

“Leaders at Pulford Lower School have built an inspiring and joyful community in which everyone is enabled to flourish.“

“Love for one another shines brightly throughout the school, from the very youngest to the oldest.”

“There is a palpable sense of service, to the children and the wider community, in all the school’s work.”

“Leaders have correctly determined that it (vision) is still appropriate and will withstand further changes as the community grows in the future.  The impact of the vision is carefully monitored by all school leaders.  Governors visit regularly to review how it is experienced in the day to day life of the school.  This enables them to accurately evaluate its effectiveness.  In turn, these evaluations inform their future planning.  The three core values of faith, hope and love are used to monitor decision making at all levels and these values are well known by pupils.  Even the youngest pupils in pre-school talk of their ‘three special words’.”

“As soon as families join the school, they are ‘enveloped’ in the vision.  Parents talk of the way they are made to feel welcome, supported and accepted.  Families who find themselves in difficult circumstances are supported without judgement.”

“The school is held in high regard within the wider community for its outreach work.”

“Leaders strive to ensure each child receives what they need, be that academically or socially.” “

“Pupils respect each other’s differences.  They know that they are all unique and have different skills and talents.  Pupils encourage each other and look forward to celebrating their friends’ achievements every week.”

“They are encouraged to look beyond themselves to the needs of others. Inspired by their reflections, pupils actively seek out opportunities to challenge injustice.”

“Collective worship is the heart beat of the school’s daily life.  Worship is inspirational and fully inclusive, allowing everyone to engage in it.  Age-appropriate resources and humour are used to ensure it is memorable.  It is highly valued by pupils and staff.  Pupils often talk about worship at home, sharing stories and songs with their families.”

“RE is a strength of the school’s curriculum offer.  The experienced RE leader ensures it is well-taught and fully resourced.  Pupils’ books reflect a variety of learning activities and their work is of a high standard.  They are able to discuss their learning in great detail, demonstrating their secure subject knowledge.”

28. Our Staff Team

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Rev.d D Heather MBE Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Health & Safety, Music, PHSE, Head of Curriculum

Mrs T Rees   Deputy Headteacher
SENDCO More Able & Talented   Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr W Webb   Assistant Headteacher
Data Analysis, HR, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A Quick   Business Administrations Manager
Non-teaching Teams Lead, Admissions

Mrs S Major Pre-School Teacher Pre-school SenCo & DDSL,  EYFS Lead
Mrs B Crockett Pre-School Play Leader
Mrs J Young Pre-School Assistant

Early Years (Foundation Stage)
Mrs M Quick SILVER BIRCH   Phonics
Mrs H Brown / Ms E Lunt OAK    Art & DT
Mrs S Marchant SILVER BIRCH  Nursery Nurse

Key Stage 1 (Y1 & Y2)
Mrs R Pickering HORSE CHESTNUT   Key Stage 1 & Maths Lead
Ms P Hicklin / Miss D Smale WILLOW   Geography
Mr A Fellows ELM   Computing (Little Saints Sports Lead)

Key Stage 2 (Y3 & Y4)
Mrs R Horsfield CHERRY BLOSSOM   Key Stage 2, Literacy & MFL Lead
Mrs G Nurden JUNIPER   History
Mrs T Youngs BEECH   Science
Mrs L Borrelli C-B and JUNIPER   Religious Education

Teaching Assistants
Mr P Bellamy
Mrs N Clark-Bailey
Mrs N Creek
Mrs S Daniell
Mrs N Dominguez
Miss C Godden
Mrs M Gunter
Miss S Hammond
Mrs K Keen
Ms L Mangena
Mrs A Norwood
Mrs M Perkins
Mrs K Warwick

Forest School
Mrs V Heather Lead Practitioner (and Little Saints)
Mrs J Bailey

Mr D Major  PE Lead and Saturday Football Head Coach

Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs L Moulding  Senior Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr P Bellamy  (and Teaching Assistant)
Mrs P Cespedes  (and Teaching Assistant)
Mrs N Clark-Bailey  (and Teaching Assistant)
Miss S Hammond  (and Teaching Assistant)
Mrs C Indge  (and Little Saints)
Mrs S Kerr
Mrs G Robinson
Mrs C Scanlon

Mrs J Nicholls    Office Manager
Mrs R Kytkova   Administration Assistant (and Lunch Supervisor)
Mrs M Poli          Administration Assistant
Mrs T Tew          (on secondment)

Kitchen & Site
Mrs D Ayling      Kitchen Manager
Ms G Jasvilaite  Kitchen Assistant (and Cleaner)
Mrs A Carver      Kitchen Assistant (and cleaner)

Little Saints (Before and After School Provision)
Mr D Hinchliff
All other staff as noted in their other teams above.

29. The School Uniform
Our uniform is smart, bright and simple. It is designed to be as practical and inexpensive as possible, to ensure a smart appearance and to empower parents when choosing clothes with their children.  The following is what is required.  Logo items are noted below; all others can be purchased from any shop.  We do have some second hand items, so please contact the school office if we can help in this way.

Our Uniform:
White polo shirt
Grey school trousers
Grey knee-length skirts, knee-length pinafore dresses or skorts
Gold sweatshirts/gold cardigan with logo (ordered through the PTA via the website shop or the school office)
Socks – plain white or grey
Shoes – black, brown or navy (no platform soles, high heels, open toes, jelly-shoes or sling-backs or any other footwear that in the view of the head teacher would pose a health and safety hazard). Wellington boots are occasionally needed on wet or snowy days.
Underwear – sensible cotton pants and vests. (Please do not send children to school wearing any kind of fashion or other inappropriate underwear).
Summer Term – Yellow summer dresses in stripes or gingham for girls
– Smart tailored shorts for boys

For Forest School – Wellington boots, waterproof trousers and coat, hat and gloves.

Hair – regardless of gender, hair must be tied back and kept smart using plain hair bands in school colours only.

Jewellery and other fashion accessories may NOT be worn apart from plain stud earring which need to be removed or taped over for PE.

PE Kit:
Plain yellow round necked tee-shirt (available from the website SHOP or the school office)
Plain black shorts (not lycra)
Black slip-on plimsolls
Grey tracksuit
All children must have a named PE bag for their kit.

All items of clothing must be named. A lost property box is retained in the main entrance. At the end of each half term, all unclaimed clothing is disposed of.

We have a supply of book bags with the school logo, which are useful for keeping books in good order and carrying them between home and school.

All logo items can be purchased from the shop

30. Term Dates
For details of term dates and events please click here to take you to our calendar  or call the school office.

31. Contacting the School
Please make all initial enquiries and appointments with Mrs Jenni Nicholls, Office Manager.

You can contact her at:
Pulford Church of England VA Lower School
Pulford Road
Leighton Buzzard

Tel: 01525 372188

