Growing God's family through faith, hope and love, dedicated to realising the full potential of each other

‘The Little Recyclers’

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Fathers’ Day Breakfast

PTA are having a Fathers' Day Breakfast at school.  Pop in early for a nice start to your day.

KS2 Inter-school Hockey Event

A group of children will be selected to represent Pulford at this event.  Times to be confirmed.  Parents will be contacted with further details nearer the time.

PTA Summer Event

Families - please save the date and watch out for PTA newsletter for more details.

Y4 Drama Production

More details will be emailed directly to parents nearer the event.  Times to be confirmed.

Parent Pick Up for YR – Y4

1pm parents to collect from school.  Y4 families to have their picnic on the school field 1-3.30pm.