KS2 Tag Rugby Inter School Event
A group of children will be selected to represent Pulford at this event. Times to be confirmed. Parents will be contacted with further details nearer the time.
A group of children will be selected to represent Pulford at this event. Times to be confirmed. Parents will be contacted with further details nearer the time.
Please collect your child as usual and then you will be directed to the information talk by Mr Heather.
This is the second of two evenings available to choose from. Parents to book an appointment nearer the time; a reminder will come to you via newsletter/email. One time slot per pupil.
School closed for staff training.
Our Y4 pupils will represent Pulford at the Monument (All Saints) with other lower, middle and upper schools from around the town at this short act of remembrance.
Anti Bullying Week starts off with 'Wear Odd Socks to School' today.
Various activities throughout the school day.
A group of children will be selected to represent Pulford at this event. Times to be confirmed. Parents will be contacted with further details nearer the time.
Classes will showcase a tree at the display at the community event. KS2 will open the Festival by singing some Christmas songs and carols.
Please come and support our 'flashmob' on the high street. Don't be late...you'll miss it!